• Welcome
Welcome to ScannerPro.net! ScannerPro is a multi-purpose serial scantool and datalogging suite designed to interface with most common vehicles and scan interfaces that make use of RS232 signals. Like the image at left suggests, it will allow you to see your vehicle's inner-workings, making it much easier to diagnose exactly where the problem is.
ScannerPro is not quite ready for prime time (a beta will be available soon).
• News
5/25/08 0 Build 630 now available
I finally got around to another release. This one fixes the CPU spike on log playback (no more maxing out a CPU!), and a couple of minor issues. No major functionality changes (I'm hard at work on TunerPro at the moment).
10/24/07 - Build 581 now available
Been a long time again, eh? New in this build is the ability to datalog and playback 160 baud ECU data.
5/12/07 - Build 488 now available
Fwew! It's been a long time. I've taken a long overdue break from extracaricular software development, but I'm back to it now. This build fixes a number of issues and adds a few new minor features. The main fixes include the pegged process during log playback and a few crashing issues. I've still got a few crashes to hunt down. Further, I've tested ScannerPro with 92-95 Honda and 94-95 GM LT1s with success.
10.22.06 - Build 349 now avialable
Improved some things, fixed some other things.
10.19.06 - Build 279 now available
Fixed 2 more "major" issues - one involving special characters, and one involving "locked" input when deleting the last item in a node in the ADX editor.
10.17.06 - Build 259 now available
A few issues have been fixed. Still a long way to go.
10.11.06 - A little taste of ScannerPro has been posted in the downloads section
Have at it! Post your questions and concerns here
9.15.06 - Web site up and running
I spent some time today getting the web site up and running. I've had the domain for a bit but finally created a new template (which, you may have noticed, looks suspiciously familiar =).